Allotment open Day on 20th July!

Family friendly fun learning about the different plants and getting to sample and buy produce. This is a lovely opportunity to stroll around the plots and register for your own plot, plus there will be plenty to eat and drink.…

Say No to Woodgate Tower!

Homebase Development UpdateUnfortunately, planning permission was granted for the proposed development on the Homebase site, that has now become known as Woodgate Tower. Our Eileen Barnes was at the Brixton Town Hall meeting on 19th March with several other SVPOA…

Ward Panel Meeting – 29th May

The Ward Panel is organised by our local police (SNT) to invite local residents from Streatham Common/Vale to quarterly meetings to discuss local issues relating to crime of any kind. Residents have a chance to air any issues, problems etc…


Streatham Vale Sports and Social Club, Canmore Gardens at 7.30 pm, on 20th March

Autumn Show

The autumn show showcased some of the best produce grown locally in the area.