Safety in the Vale is a concern for all residents.

On the whole Streatham Vale has a low crime score of 4/10, but is often considered a high crime area as we’re nestled between Croydon and Brixton.

SVPOA work with the Met Police and meet regularly to report and understand current safety issues. You can view the latest crime report on the MET website here: Streatham Common and The Value | Crime Map.

You can also join Mike Morfey – our dedicated safety committee member, for the monthly “walkabouts” around the Vale with our local Councillors, or the Ward Panel Meetings that take place every 3 months.

We also meet with our local Councillor every month to report any issues in the Vale. This could be uneven pathways that are a hazard, antisocial behaviour, street lighting and much more.

We would very much like your input so we can support The Vale residents to improve the safety in our local community.

Please email: to bring any issues to our attention. 


Vale Topics – Spring News update

Increasing number of HMO’s in the Vale.
Executive Committee member Eileen Barnes reported on the increasing number of problems arising with HMO’s in the area, particularly the unregistered ones. Cllr Adilypour confirmed the increase of HMO’s in the area, mainly due to the relaxing of planning restrictions. He explained that the council is working to get an Article 4 Direction for the Vale area, which would give the Council powers to refuse them as they would then require planning permission. He advised that the order is now in place and should become effective in one year’s time. He explained that at present any developments with six bedrooms or less does not require planning permission. It was noted that, if you can find out who is the owner of the property, you can request a “Part Wall Agreement”, which does give neighbours a level of protection.

Homebase Development Update
Unfortunately, planning permission was granted for the proposed development on the Homebase site, that has now become known as Woodgate Tower. Our Eileen Barnes was at the Brixton Town Hall meeting on 19th March with several other SVPOA members to object the development of the high rise tower block adjacent Streatham Common station. With four votes in favour of the site and two votes against the Lambeth Planning Applications Committee have decided to approve the application, judging that the benefit of new affordable homes allocated in the tower outweighs any negative impacts on existing residents. 

Our local Cllr Danny Adilpour has been in support of our appeal to against the high rise development and has issued a statement on behalf of Streatham Vale residents opposing the application. “The decision is now with the Greater London Authority (GLA) for final stage 2 Approval and I encourage you all to provide your comments to the GLA on the proposals at the following link as soon as possible:
I’ve also written to our local Greater London Assembly Member – Marina Ahmed regarding this and we will be continuing to support residents in making their voices heard.”