Why become a member of the SVPOA?

Your subscription will contribute to the ongoing work of the committee members in their efforts to protect and improve the environment of Streatham Vale.

You will receive a monthly e-newsletter giving you all of the local news, offers, events and SVPOA committee updates.
If you would prefer a printed copy, we can distribute this monthly via our team of dedicated road stewards.

You will also gain the opportunity to rent an Association allotment situated locally in the Association Allotment Grounds. For more information about the allotments, visit our allotments page.

How do I join?

Membership of the SVPOA is only £5 a year. You can pay this in one of the following ways:

  • By Bank transfer to:
    Account name: Streatham Vale Property Occupiers Association
    Sort Code: 60-20-39
    Account Number: 32303556
    Ref: 1st line of your address. Be sure to advise us if you have paid this way, our email is svpoa@yahoo.co.uk
  • Submitting a completed Standing Order form, this can be found at the back of Vale Topics, or you can email us and we will discuss how we can assist you in setting this up.
  • Posting your money into your Road Steward’s letterbox. Be sure to include your name and address with this payment so that we know it’s from you.
  • Posting your money into the Association letterbox, on the gates to the Allotment Grounds, between 151 and 152 Streatham Vale. Again please include your name and address.
  • Bringing your £5 to the Allotments Trading Hut on a Sunday morning, between 10am and 12 noon (Open March to October).
  • Email us with your full name and address to svpoa@yahoo.co.uk and we will contact you to collect from you if you are unable to do any of the above methods.