The Allotment grounds are wholly owned by the Streatham Vale Property Occupiers’ Association who hold the freehold of the site. The ground was bought from a local builder in 1930 for the [then] princely sum of £100.00.
The site is situated in Streatham Vale adjacent to the Church of the Holy Redeemer and is bordered by the rear gardens of the residential properties in the surrounding roads and the side of the churchyard. The site is accessed by a single wide entrance in Streatham Vale protected by security gates.
It is divided into 60 allotments of 5 Rods each (around 25sq/m). Allotment plots are rented on an annual basis by members of the SVPOA resident in Streatham Vale and some allotment holders living outside the Streatham Vale Estate sponsored by the Association. An Annual Rent is charged to members in addition to their annual subscription to the Association.
Facilities include
- A dedicated water system of taps mounted on standpipes with tanks.
- A horticultural shop maintained for the benefit of all members of the Association and their immediate families, usually open for two hours each Sunday from 10am to 12noon, staffed by volunteers.
- A committee/general use room used each month by the three principal committees of the Association and for other Association activities and business as required.
Functions and Present Use of the Allotment Grounds
The Association recognises that use of allotments has changed since their inception in the 1930’s, and they are now seen as a leisure facility where people can grow their own produce and flowers for recreational purposes. The Association also arranges for each allotment holder to be enrolled as a member of the National Association of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners and administers a seed scheme providing allotment holders with flower and vegetable seeds, onion sets and seed potatoes at prices ranging from 30% to 50% below normal prices. The allotments are at present used for a variety of Association activities and a dedicated Allotment Committee administers the operation of the site. The Association has recently been fortunate to secure improvement grants from the Walcot Non Educational Foundation and the Lambeth Community Chest to improve security and other aspects of the site and the Association extends its thanks to these organisations for their generosity.
The Association believes that it can build on its good history of administering the site to make improvements to ensure that it becomes a vibrant part of the local community and we have therefore set the following key objectives;
- Maintain the physical condition of the site.
- Organise social activities.
- Promote allotment usage throughout the local community.
- Increase funding available for improvements.
The allotments are primarily for people who are SVPOA members/residents in the Vale. When a plot becomes vacant if there is no member who wishes to take it on, up to a maximum of 15 plots can be let to people who live outside the catchment area. These applicants must be sponsored either by an existing plotholder or a member of the executive committee who then vouches for their good conduct/keeping of the plot. This means we keep two lists of applicants. First refusal goes to association members when a plot comes up for rent and a waiting list is maintained. Anyone who wishes to register an interest in having an allotment can should fill in the application form as described on the Membership page.